Saturday, January 2, 2010

The next day on 2010


Okay,yesterday my friend told me about the flat..And you noe wat..The price is so high looo...Gla apa!!So many thing have to pay...N the bill so much mahal dari kolej...Mmg pun!!Haha...But wat to do...I need that flat.N I have to pay all of it..But so lame ooo that owner..Given the price so high...Aaaahhh...I noe this year is suck!!Really suck!!R8 now I'm still in my cuzz house..But tomorrow I have to be in my own flat.Have to clean it and yah..Must be there at 2 pm.Sharp...Ya lah tu!!But still cannot go there without that suck owner permission laa...Huuaaa...Wat to do..This year does suck!!So much suck!!!

1 comment:

  1. oit... x blh pdh awal2 dis yer suck.. lak bna2 lak...aaaa...
